Moving Toward Wholeness: Resources for Therapists Working with Clergy

I am so honored to be offering a workshop on January 29, 2013 at the Earl Lectures Series and Leadership Conference at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. This event has been taking place for literally a century, and in addition to the incredible line-up of speakers, preachers and presenters, this year they’ve added an exciting new set of workshops for social workers, counselors and therapists. 

There are some unique stressors and challenges for clergy, their spouses, partners, children and family members, and my workshop is primarily designed for clinicians who would like to or already work with clergy and their families in psychotherapy.

“Many clergy opt to find a therapist not because they “need to be in therapy” so to speak, but because many clergy understand that a therapist is one of few people with whom clergy can reflect transparently to maintain one’s health and ultimately be of good service to the community.”

— Feedback from local chaplain in San Francisco