Your Insurance Policy for 2010

This posting is an insurance policy, designed to pre-empt any potential moments in the upcoming year when you might forget who you are, or get sidetracked by self-doubt. Hang it up somewhere; use it as your computer's screen saver, or record yourself saying it out loud. Better yet, say it out loud to yourself regularly. 

You are an amazing human being. Your capacity for love, kindness and joy is endless.

I see the beautiful essence of your being. I treasure our moments of connection. Your heart is full of love and courage.

You inspire me to be more authentic, honest, and brave in my own life. 

Your willingness to share your truth invites me to do the same. Your creativity and your playfulness are a blessing to witness. 

Loving you is effortless. 

Take it in. Take it all the way in. Allow these words to plant seeds in your heart. 

May it be so. Amen.


photo courtesy of JLR