Blogging for Elul and Ramadan

Next week marks the beginning of Elul and Ramadan, two of the holiest months in the year for Jews and Muslims respectively. 

Elul is the month leading up to Rosh haShanah and the High Holy Days, and Ramadan is a time of fasting, reflection and prayer. Both are times of meditation, deeply focused spiritual practice and purification. 

For the last few years I have created an intentional practice for Elul that incorporates both traditional and innovative elements; for example, journaling, art, meditation, chanting, group reflection and study of sacred texts such as Psalm 27, which is traditionally read daily during Elul. 

Last year my Elul practice was daily blogging on a variety of spiritual topics. I've got a few days left to come up with a plan for this year. Stay tuned.


photo courtesy of JLR