Winsome, Losesome

Elul Day 29

Tonight begins the first night of Rosh Hashanah. Shana tova u'metukah–a new, sweet year. 

Sweet: affectionate, agreeable, amiable, angelic, appealing, attractive, beautiful, beloved, charming, cherished, considerate, darling, delectable, delicious, delightful, engaging, fair, generous, gentle, good-humored, good-natured, heavenly, lovable, loving, luscious, mild, patient, pleasing, precious, reasonable, sympathetic, tender, thoughtful, winsome. 

What a compelling list of synonyms for sweetness; I especially love the word winsome, as it includes the feeling of being drawn to someone or something. What is there to lose by inviting more sweetness into your life? It seems like a winner to me.

I also have great appreciation for a crisp sour pickle or fresh cold grapefruit. Too sweet can be nauseating, and too tart can be acerbic and harsh. Sometimes a little bit of sassiness is appealing in its own way, and too much sweetness can be bland or flaccid.

Elliot shofar

May you have just the right balance of sweet and tart in the upcoming year.

Photo courtesy of ERK