What is Your Name Today?

Yesterday I had the privilege of leading a babynaming ritual for a new baby girl. It got me thinking about the names we call ourselves, and the names we are called, and how they resonate (or not) with who we really are. Think for a moment about names we are given by people who love us, like Junior, Boo, or Honey Bunny. Or unkind names hurled at us like hateful barbs, like Stupid, Fatso or Sissy. The names we call ourselves are also equally powerful, and our names may as we grow and evolve over time.  

My colleague Tara Mohr just wrote about this today on her blog as well–wonder what's in the air right now…


Each of Us Has a Name

By Zelda


Each of us has a name

given by God

and given by our parents

Each of us has a name

given by our stature and our smile

and given by what we wear

Each of us has a name

given by the mountains

and given by our walls

Each of us has a name

given by the stars

and given by our neighbors

Each of us has a name

given by our sins

and given by our longing

Each of us has a name

given by our enemies

and given by our love

Each of us has a name

given by our celebrations

and given by our work

Each of us has a name

given by the seasons

and given by our blindness

Each of us has a name

given by the sea

and given by

our death.


Translated by Marcia Falk