Shedding and New Growth

Earlier this week, posted the word of the day:

DECIDUOUS  [dih-SIJ-oo-uhs]

Definition:   falling off or shed at a particular season, stage of growth, etc.

1. Falling off or shed at a particular season, stage of growth, etc.

2. Shedding the leaves annually, as certain trees and shrubs.

3. Not permanent; transitory.

Just as trees and shrubs have cycles of shedding and new growth, death and rebirth, humans have not only our physical cycles of birth, living and dying, but also our emotional and spiritual cycles. We experience stages of budding, flowering and wilting; sometimes we are parched and other times juicy. We grow deep roots and keep shedding that which is no longer lifegiving. 

What sources of light, soil and nourishment sustain the ever-evolving journey of your soul? 

photo courtesy of JLR