A Seat at the Table

This little chair is about 3 inches tall. It’s made of pewter and I found it in a gift catalog for $5 about 20 years ago. While it was originally (and curiously) intended as a business card holder, for me it is a sacred symbol of hospitality that offers a place for those who have died to be with me. The chair is a talisman and a sacred object.

I have shlepped this little chair with me to every office I’ve had in the past two decades. Currently it sits on the bookshelf behind the glass door of the built in cabinets.

The practice of hospitality is one of genuine welcoming. Hospitality involves literally and metaphorically inviting the Other to a seat at your table. Not only an actual table, but also the archetypal table that is your life, your community, your heart.

  • When have you felt truly welcomed?
  • How can you stretch your comfort zone to extend hospitality to another person?
  • How do you honor and stay connected on a regular basis to loved ones who have died?